Profile for Nomesquad

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Our First Mystery Puzzle Cache

We began a cache yesterday while we were out called einszweidrei (GC1QNCF).  After reading the cache description I knew we'd need to find the first station and take a bunch of pictures.  We did that, looked around really good and then moved on to find the rest of the caches for the morning trip.

Once home we took a really good look at the pictures, narrowed down what it could mean to just one picture and went to work.  It was a stroke of pure genius when we figured it out the next morning.  Deciphering, we took a set of coordinates and drove back out.  Thank goodness Reese isn't too far from our house on this side of town.  We walked around a bit and my clutzy self managed to fall off of a concrete step and twist my ankle pretty terribly.  Pain is nothing, its all in the name of geocaching.  Finally we spotted the next clue and knew what it meant but brought it home again to decipher since the ankle needed some ice pretty badly by now.

By the time the ankle was good and cold, the second clue had been sorted out.  Slightly evil and very cool it was, but it was no match for the eldest 'he' of Nomesquad.  Coordinates in hand, we headed out one last time.  Ding ding ding, there's the prize, very cleverly hidden.  To our surprise we found a very nice tupperware full of toys and some cool signature tokens.  We traded our Nomesquad signature item for one of the signature tokens of Pa Pa and Nana to add to our collection, and took the travel bug that was inside.

We'd like to say a hearty thanks to geocacher Timber Wolf for coming up with such a great brain stumper!

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