Profile for Nomesquad

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Just Can't Get Enough!

We had such a good time finding the first 3 caches this afternoon that we quickly recharged the GPS on the phone, ate a bite of supper and headed out again.  We saw all kinds of awesome things.  Who knew that we could have such fun here in Lubbock.

GC2KXG7 - Cher Series #3 - The Beat Goes On - This cache was in plain sight, but it had some cool Cher info on the inside.
GC1M2HP - North's Corner - This one had recently been replaced because the previous version was stolen.  Some muggle saw it and put a used cigarette butt inside *GAG*  It totally reeked.  But the little dude was a good guy and put a little dino toy inside for the next cacher, and I threw away the cigarette butt.

Why did the turkey cross the road?  To gobble on the other side, of course!  This beauty was crossing the road right ahead of us - in the middle of a residential part of town!  Crazy!  I gobbled at it, it gobbled back, and I got a picture.  Who knew we'd see wildlife on this geocaching adventure today?

Speaking of wildlife - the next cache was in Jackrabbit Central.  Holy cow!  I forgot they were the size of large dogs.. LOL.  It was fun to watch the bunny herds run, I swear they looked like small deer out there.  Lots of ants too.  Ick.  This cache was fun to find, a new discovery just minutes from our house.
GC2QGTC - Nearly Greek to Me - This was the cache out in mutant rabbit land.  It was also the first time we'd seen a GeoCoin.  I hope it gets along to its next destination, we discovered it but left it there as we're not traveling out of state any time soon.

GC1KVNF - Over the Hedge - Slightly creepy seeing as how it was hidden fairly well near an old shed, storm cellar and large cactus.  Definitely wouldn't try this one at night.

GC26YMZ- Just for the fun of it... - This was the last stop on today's adventure.  Had a bit of a hike to get to this one.  Parked in cul-de-sac and walked through I guess what we'd call woods around here, and it was across a drainage ditch.  Trip back out proved that the "hike" was an easy walk if we'd come from the other side.. lol

See, we're totally hooked now.  This was a blast and I can't wait to discover more new things about the area we live in, as well as go geocache hunting on any trips we may take in the future!

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