Profile for Nomesquad

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Some Critters We've Encountered

When out in nature, sometimes nature attacks.  Sometimes its just breathtakingly beautiful.  Its 50/50 on which version you'll get when out and about around Lubbock County.

So far things have been pretty mild and we can safely add to the cool critters list that we've encountered while out geocaching.

These were both at the same cache.  Unfortunately we had to log a Needs Maintenance on the cache because the container had been utterly obliterated.  The owner has since put out a great new container but we've yet to make it back to that end of town to sign the log.

Around 82nd and Memphis is a nice little lake.  We found wonderful critters in their natural environment such as these... and aaaah it was so relaxing to watch.  There were many more ducks at the little playa lake, but these 3 kept near the shore.. Quackquackquackquack.... :D

(On a side note - I'm particularly fond of the bright blue dragonfly picture... I'll be a photographer someday!)

What I've failed to mention is that as we got out of the car, the GPS first pointed us toward a tree.  In this tree we saw:
Yes, its a knife.  A decent looking knife.  I have a set of pairing knives much like this one but shorter.  Odd place to park your knife, I thought to myself... and this is even the nicer end of town!  I didn't see any blood on it, so I didn't think that it was necessary to call the police.  I did debate taking the knife, but again, for fear of maybe having had some blood washed off of it, I let it be.

Aaah.. the serenity of nature...

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